Too many channels. Sensory Overload!
11:28 p.m. || Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2003

Oh. Now Diaryland has the private entries thing. Like diary-x and all that.

Today we got digital cable, and there are so many new channels and things to figure out. I am very confused.

I miss Erin. Larry says he thinks she likes her new apartment. I sent her a package, um, yesterday I think. I hope she likes it. I should write her a letter tonight.

My feet are cold.

This week I finally got into the rhythm of my job. I haven't missed the humor in the fact that I'm leaving it at the end of the month.

But seriously. I finally seem to be able to fill all the time adequately. I can feed them, change them, nap Heather, work with Everett on his numbers and letters, without any problems. Everything moves smoothly, for the most part [note: smoothly is a relative term- I am working with small children]. I feel comfortable and happy around them. When I read Everett books, he rests his head on my side and listens quietly.

I feel calm and happy with them. I really will miss everything in my life when I go away. But now that we've deposited nearly a thousand dollars into me leaving, I most certainly have to. And it will be good for me.


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